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The Best Online Dating Messages Examples

The Best Online Dating Messages Examples

On dating sites, it is important not only to find a person you like, but also to be able to communicate with him correctly. Messages are your weapon. What you write directly affects the further development of relations. If you write a lot of messages, but do not receive anything in response, it is worth considering. Are you writing correctly? Maybe pay attention to the details? Or are you doing everything right? Let's figure it out.

In this article, we will give you the best examples of the perfect first message for online dating. It will seem to you that examples of a funny first message on a dating site are not the best option. But we guarantee you that the message examples we have prepared for you are the best.

Tips for Good Messages

In our blog, you will get proven examples of the perfect first message for online dating, which you can then use in communication. You will also receive recommendations that will be useful to you for creating your own first messages in online dating chat rooms.

To successfully write the perfect first online dating message, you need to read these guidelines.

Focus on Quality, not Quantity

First of all, you need to analyze your messages. The first message is especially important. It should not be the standard "Hi, how are you?". Be original. Project it for yourself. What would you like to be asked? Examples of the perfect first message for online dating are always distinguished by their quality, not quantity.

You can write 3-5 messages for nothing, or you can write 1-2 messages that will be very high quality and meaningful. Write to the point. No need to "pour water" in your messages. This will save you and your partner's time. On online dating sites, you need to learn as much as possible about a person in order to understand whether you are suitable for each other or not. That's the main reason why accurate, high-quality messages are more successful than dozens of nonsensical messages that don't get to the heart of the matter.

Focus on Quality, not Quantity

If you liked the profile of a person, then do not rush to immediately write a message. First of all, pay attention to her profile, study her habits, hobbies, preferences. Profile photos are also an important source of information. It is very good if you have common hobbies. You will have a topic for communication. Here are some good examples of starting an online dating conversation:

  • "Hi. I see that you like going to the cinema. Have you already seen the new movie about..."
  • "Hi. I noticed that you like fishing. I like fishing too. Tell me, where do you like to go fishing?"
  • "Hi, I was also in this park recently, where are you. What are your impressions?"

Keep It Simple

Simply contact your interlocutor. Write as if you already know each other. Examples of the perfect first message for online dating are not always complex and intricate. Simplicity is the key to good communication. For example, ask about your mood, the weather, your favorite movie, song, novel, etc.

Keep It Short

The well-known phrase: “Brevity is the sister of talent” very well describes examples of emails for online dating. The best examples of online dating messages are always as short and concise as possible. There are examples of a funny first message on a dating site. Brief and funny phrases spoken in the topic have a very good effect on the overall atmosphere of the correspondence. In addition, short messages are a great substitute for live dialogue. Remember how you communicate in person:

"- Hello Anna!

- Hey, Sam. Are you working right now?

- I am relax, watch a movie, drink beer. And you?"

This example of online dating messages is the most common. Add some humor to this and you have an example of the perfect first message for online dating. “Now I’m working… On the couch :)”

Compliment Common Interests and Personality

In order for your dialogue to start, you need to have the talent not only to write the perfect first message for online dating, but also to study the interlocutor. Examples of conversations about dating on the Internet always have a certain plot, which comes down to common interests or similar characters of the interlocutors. Two people can only build a successful conversation from messages when they have something in common. The first online dating message, for example, always has a direction vector. The first message sets the topic of the conversation, its nature and pace. If both interlocutors have similar interests, for example in music, then they will be able to build their dialogue around this topic. People can complement each other in the process of communication, constructively argue or agree and support the opinion of the opponent. Examples of the perfect first message for online dating when you have a common topic:

"- Hi. Elvis or the Beatles?

- Ha ha, hi! Guessed wrong.

- Maybe AC/DC?

- Already closer ... "

Here is a simple example of the perfect first message for online dating if you and the other person have a common interest in music.

Ask About Something in Their Profile

Another example of a perfect first message for online dating is a question. Yes, you understood correctly - you can start a dialogue with a question. Only the question should be one that she or he can answer. To do this, I repeat again - study the profile of the interlocutor.

If you see interests similar to yours in a person’s profile, then you can start a conversation with this. Ask something simple. For example, if you have a common passion for skiing:

  • “Hi, where did you ski this winter?” You will definitely be answered, because the person is interested in this question. Thus the conversation will start.

More examples of the perfect first message for online dating in the form of a question:

  • “Hi, how did you make this beautiful dry flower bouquet? I saw it in your profile picture."
  • "Wow! What a beautiful picture! Is this your drawing?"
  • "Hi. Where can I buy a T-shirt like yours?"

These examples of starting an online dating conversation start with a specific question. The question is easy, and the interlocutor will definitely be able to answer.

Share Something From Their Bio

Asking questions is great, but you also need to answer questions. Your interlocutor will in any case be interested in your biography. Don't be closed. Be as open as possible to your interlocutor.

Examples of conversations about dating on the Internet tell us that we need to talk about ourselves and be interested in our interlocutor. Such a simple formula.

Share something interesting from your biography. You can tell an interesting or funny story that happened to you.

Just don't make up something that didn't exist. Write only truthful information in your messages. If you manage to develop a relationship before meeting in real life, then all the lies will be revealed. Therefore, one must be sincere, honest and cheerful. It is better to write in messages on online dating sites about something positive, fun or funny. There is no need to tell any sad stories unless you are specifically asked about it.

The best examples of online dating messages are always or almost always humorous. Because it is easier for people to communicate with an open and cheerful person. Funny messages on online dating sites are always in the TOP.

Re-read What You Wrote

A very good habit is to check what you have written before submitting it. A person is not a robot and often makes mistakes in words or sentences. Sometimes such a typo can completely change the meaning of a message on the Internet. And it’s good if it’s just a mistake or a funny typo, but there is a chance that a typo can offend your interlocutor. To insure yourself against bad online dating email examples, always check the message before sending it. Reread your message as if it was sent to you. Analyze what can be removed, and perhaps something needs to be added to the message. Do what is necessary. All is ready. Now send.

Following such simple rules, you will save yourself and the interlocutor from misunderstandings or insults.

What Not to Do In The First Message

Often, some nonsense is written in dating sites - this can simply be ignored. But there are types of behavior that occur quite often. For example, when potential partners behave as if communication with them is a prize to be earned.

And sometimes the message seems to be pleasant, but still upsets. It's about "original" tackles like "hey baby, do you want to ride in my car." It is immediately clear that a person sends the same message to everyone and is unlikely to look at the profile beyond the first photo.

Another example is head-on questions, which, as it were, save time, but in fact they simply repel: this is how you show a person that you personally are not at all interested in him.

It used to be that they immediately wrote “Well, let's go to you or to me?” instead of greeting. And then "Oh, I thought you were different."

Against the background of such questions, the usual “Hi, how are you?” doesn't seem like such a bad option. But, most likely, such messages will also not bring you closer to finding a soul mate.

Our Exemples

Let's summarize and compile the best examples of the perfect first message for online dating, funny first message on a dating site and the most useful examples of online dating messages.

1. Ask a question on the questionnaire. Take a close look at the profile of the person you like. Any information in the questionnaire is an occasion for a conversation. “Do you really rescue cats / did you fly to Iceland? Tell me about it!”

Try to simultaneously show your interest and give the person the opportunity to express their individuality. “How did you make such a photo for your profile picture?”, “How long have you been fond of dancing? You have so many photos from your performances!”, “Do you also like snowboarding?”. All this will show that you are interested in communication and have done your “homework” in studying your interlocutor.

2. Come up with a simple question that reveals your personality and hobbies. Ask a person something that is not in the questionnaire, but what is important to you and will help you understand how compatible you are. For example: "How do you imagine the perfect day off?". It will immediately become clear what a person is fond of in his free time, what he likes. Through such questions, you can learn a lot about a person in an easy conversation.

3. Simple phrases come in well, which help to immediately reveal a person as a person. Like “What would you choose: the sea or the mountains? Or summer or winter?

Whatever tricks you come up with, sincerity and humor work best. If a person is your destiny, he will catch the wave and reciprocate. Many of the girls with whom we spoke developed communication and with that very first message “Hi, how are you?”. The main thing is not to try to seem like a different person. Be yourself.

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