1106, Budapest, Gyakorlo street 4/D 3.

Julia from Kiev | 35 y.o., Bleu Eyes, Blond Hair, Célibataire

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Couleur des yeux


Couleur de cheveux


État civil

pas encore défini

Recherche d'âge


Signe du zodiaque

I am a simple girl who loves to travel and find new discoveries for herself in this life. I'd just like to find a family. This is my biggest dream in life. Find a person with whom I can buil...


Couleur des yeux


Couleur de cheveux

65 kg 143 lbs


5'7'' (170 cm)


pas encore défini

Nombre d'enfants







Avec difficultés



État civil






I am a simple girl who loves to travel and find new discoveries for herself in this life. I'd just like to find a family. This is my biggest dream in life. Find a person with whom I can build a strong family.
I really like to play basketball. But I only play with girls. I also like skiing, swimming, traveling, chess and sometimes checkers. I also like to play board games with my family. Sometimes I just like to get in the car and turn on the music and drive. More recently, I started to embroider floor carpets. I really like it. I consider it art. Real art doesn't come out of my head. Just something on top of me gives me a sign that I need to make art
to be honest, I would like a man to be loyal and I could share with him in detail what worries me or about something else. I wouldn't want a man to be short-tempered. Of course I would like to have a nice man next to me. I can't say that looks are unimportant. Because initially we look at the candy wrapper and after that we choose to eat this candy or not. But of course, after dating, appearance fades into the background and it becomes very important what is inside a person. I want my man to be a mentally healthy person. so that I don 't miss my last wife or girlfriend haha just a joke


Bunch of Roses (5 flowers) (red, white or pink)
120 108 crédits
Bunch of Roses (5 flowers) (red, white or pink)
Bunch of Roses (7 flowers) (red, white or pink)
170 crédits
Bunch of Roses (7 flowers) (red, white or pink)
Bunch of Roses (11 flowers) (red, white or pink)
220 crédits
Bunch of Roses (11 flowers) (red, white or pink)
Bunch of Roses (15 flowers) (red, white or pink)
300 crédits
Bunch of Roses (15 flowers) (red, white or pink)
Bunch of Roses (21 flowers) (red, white or pink)
370 crédits
Bunch of Roses (21 flowers) (red, white or pink)
Seasonal bouquet
150 crédits
Seasonal bouquet
MacBook Air 13
3000 crédits
MacBook Air 13" M2 512Gb
Golden Bracelet Pandora
900 crédits
Golden Bracelet Pandora
Mini 3 door
25000 crédits
Mini 3 door
Mersesed A Class
25000 crédits
Mersesed A Class
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