1106, Budapest, Gyakorlo street 4/D 3.

Ruslana from Odessa | 25 y.o., Brun Eyes, Châtain clair Hair, Célibataire

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Ruslana, 25

Ruslana, 25


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пт 23:00
Ruslana, 25

It’s unlikely that someone would like total control while romantic chatting with beautiful Slavic girls.

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Couleur des yeux

Châtain clair

Couleur de cheveux


État civil

30 - 55

Recherche d'âge


Signe du zodiaque

I am open and honest, I believe in life long relationship, I believe in true love and strong feelings such as respect and trust, which should be present in the relationship between a man and...


Couleur des yeux

Châtain clair

Couleur de cheveux

50 kg 110 lbs


5'3'' (160 cm)


pas encore défini

Nombre d'enfants










État civil






I am open and honest, I believe in life long relationship, I believe in true love and strong feelings such as respect and trust, which should be present in the relationship between a man and a woman. I am loyal and devoted. I am hard-working and goal-oriented. I would say that I am an optimist by nature and try to live my life enjoying every minute of it. I want to believe that I am a good friend and I am a person my close people may trust to without being afraid of being judged for any mistakes. I am always ready to help my nearest and dearest people and I believe that I can make my man happy because I have so much love and care to give to a special man.I am very sociable person. I enjoy speanding time with my friends ande really looking forward to meet my soulmate to communicate with. I want to see my family life long and happy. Therefore, I understand that it should be a support and kind of hard work.
Moreover, I prefer leading active way of life, outdoor activities and visiting gym. Music is also my passion. I spend a lot of time on visiting concerts and plays. I am educated person and think that developing yourself as a personality is a big plus in this world of new technologies and progress.
My man should be open, kind and responsive. I want to spend my life with someone, who knows life and its difficulties, but who is not afraid of the at the same time, who will be able to take care of his woman and his family in general. I would very much like my man to be my best friend, someone I can trust to unconditionally, someone I can love unconditionally, someone I can devote all my life and all myself to. I am not looking for a perfect man or someone who is almost perfect. I am looking for a simple man who finds happiness sin simple things, who would have the same views and the same values with me, a man I can share the whole life with.
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