1106, Budapest, Gyakorlo street 4/D 3.

Aleksandra from Kharkiv | 33 y.o., Noisette Eyes, Châtain clair Hair, Jamais marié

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Aleksandra, 33

Aleksandra, 33


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Aleksandra, 33

It’s unlikely that someone would like total control while romantic chatting with beautiful Slavic girls.

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Couleur des yeux

Châtain clair

Couleur de cheveux

Jamais marié

État civil

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Recherche d'âge


Signe du zodiaque

I want to start my story from my job. I am working as a nurse in intensive care maternity hospital. From childhood, I had a dream to help people. I had a couple of friends and we had a game ...


Couleur des yeux

Châtain clair

Couleur de cheveux

55 kg 121 lbs


5'9'' (175 cm)


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Nombre d'enfants









Jamais marié

État civil






I want to start my story from my job. I am working as a nurse in intensive care maternity hospital. From childhood, I had a dream to help people. I had a couple of friends and we had a game where I was a doctor and they were my patients. One day my mother saw me playing this game, this was the first step to my future. Every day at the university I was a very diligent student, one of my dogmas is if you are doing something do it well, another way don't do that at all. When I start working I understood that this is very hard work, this is very hard to see when someone feels not good, but I know that I am doing good to the people and this is mainly for me. That is why I took second work for me. In my spare time, I love to be a model, this relaxes me a lot, this is very fun and very interesting, this brings me a big deal of fun moments and I love to have images with me, because they will stay with me and after a long time I could take them and remember some moments of my life. I think that every moment should be happy and smiling even if this is a hard moment I can find a positive in it. I think that morning should not start from the coffee, the morning should start from the smile, of course then it is great to have a coffee and morning exercises. Be honest I respect sports a lot. Every day I am doing morning exercises and twice a week I am going to the gym and pool. I am a medical professional, that is why I put a lot of attention to my health, if you are healthy you are beautiful. Also, I prefer healthy food, I don't like restaurants because I don't know what they put inside, that is why I spend a lot of time on the kitchen and have a good skils in the cooking. I prefer the Italian meal, this is very tasty and interesting to cook. One of my wishes is one day teach Italian language and I sure I will do that.
sport, painting
I am looking for a person who will see this world the same as I do. I will try to explain for a bit what I mean. I wish to know that my man will always give a hand to any person if they will ask for that. Human life is very fragile, we are all people and we should help each other. Same about animals, they need our help a lot and I will never go away if I can help. I wish one day to have a parrot. They are very funny and good friends, they are a bit loud but I hope this will not be a problem. Well, this is a bit about the way I see this life. For me very important to have my soulmate, but I know that this is not easy to find so common person to me. I wish to spend all spare time with my man, talk and share what is on the mind, in the evening cook some popcorn and find a good movie for us. I love to watch movies, especially if this is good movies but I would love to watch some with my man. Have some fun moments like going to the theatre or in the pool. I love to spend time outdoors. For me, this is the best time to spend. Fresh air always brings me the beautiful color of my face. I love to spend time at home when I am tired or this is late evening, but if I have a day off you will not find me at home, I will be in the park for sure. On the vacation time I would love to travel in warm parts of the world, some time ago I was in Egypt, this was amazing, this is absolutely different as we know the rest, you don't need to worry about any, the meal is included and you can simply relax, read some interesting book, but I would love that I have a person close to me, someone, who will share this pleasant time and will be my couple. Well one more rather important question for me, I wish that my man love to make images of me, I want to have every moment of our life for us, I hope I will be a good model for my man, model, friend, and wife.


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Bunch of Roses (7 flowers) (red, white or pink)
Bunch of Roses (15 flowers) (red, white or pink)
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