1106, Budapest, Gyakorlo street 4/D 3.

Marina from Kyiv | 37 y.o., Bleu Eyes, Blond Hair, Célibataire

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Couleur des yeux


Couleur de cheveux


État civil

39 - 55

Recherche d'âge


Signe du zodiaque

You might look at me and decide that I am one more barbie doll here on this site - well I am not to be blamed for how I look (guess it is all Mother nature and my parents fault LOL) - but wh...


Couleur des yeux


Couleur de cheveux

60 kg 132 lbs


5'7'' (170 cm)



Nombre d'enfants










État civil






You might look at me and decide that I am one more barbie doll here on this site - well I am not to be blamed for how I look (guess it is all Mother nature and my parents fault LOL) - but what you should know of me is that I am very family focused girl - guess it is all the example of my parents who have been together for 35 years so far and give me a bright example of what true love is. I am very disciplined and devoted, always keep my promises and believe that it is better not to promise something if you are not sure you can keep your promise. Deep inside I am very soft and delicate, quite shy (so please dont ask me to send you sexy photos in lingerie or what is more without it). My friends say that I am very caring and merry - in our company they consider me to be always the moving mechanism :) I am really honest and will never accept any lies even if that is a white lie. I never stay angry for long and always avoid any conflicts and scandals but I know what I want and always try to achieve a compromise in any sort of relationship. I treasure personal borders of people around myself and want them to respect mine as well. When in relationship with a man I want to feel myself a true woman
I like traveling very much. It has to do with my job, so not only do I enjoy traveling, but it also benefits me! I read a lot. In my life I have read more than 400 books and I do not want to dwell on this. I could recommend a couple of books for you if you want!
The ideal man is more about the image on the pedestal than about reality. I am bribed by nobility, a good sense of humor, fortitude, loyalty to one's word - qualities that are rarely found in modern realities. I prefer a man who is older than me, and I am looking for an experienced man who knows how to appreciate true love. I would say that I need a mature man with a young soul. A man for me is first of all a partner and friend with whom I have a pleasant spiritual and sensual relationship. Contact with a partner at all levels is important to me, the ability to listen and hear, not to ignore feelings and treat each other with care - this is the basis of the foundations.


Golden Earrings Pandora
800 crédits
Golden Earrings Pandora
Golden Bracelet Pandora
900 crédits
Golden Bracelet Pandora
Fox Fur Coat
4000 crédits
Fox Fur Coat
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