1106, Budapest, Gyakorlo street 4/D 3.

Vira from London | 51 y.o., Карі Eyes, Блонд Hair, Ніколи не був(ла) одружений(а)

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Vira , 51

Vira , 51


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пт 23:00
Vira , 51

It’s unlikely that someone would like total control while romantic chatting with beautiful Slavic girls.

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Ніколи не був(ла) одружений(а)

Сімейний стан

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Знак зодіаку

I am strong, independent and confident lady. My job made me this way, but it's only about work. My heart is full of romance and passion and my soul is open for love story. I'm a kind, caring...


Колір очей


Колір волосся

50 kg 110 lbs


5'7'' (170 cm)



Кількість дітей









Ніколи не був(ла) одружений(а)

Сімейний стан






I am strong, independent and confident lady. My job made me this way, but it's only about work. My heart is full of romance and passion and my soul is open for love story. I'm a kind, caring, tender woman who wants to love and be loved sincerely. I love my family and I like to create family traditions. I believe it helps close people to maintain friendly warm athmosphere. I adore cookind seafood dishes and make interesting salads. My hobby is sport, I also enjoy painting. I consider myself an attractive bright lady and I value every day of my life.
I am very understanding person and I can easily forgive other people even if they offended me. I am very kind and tender woman. And I usually treat other people in the same way as I want them to treat me. I am purposeful woman and try to achieve those things I wish. I am also very open. So, you can read me like an open book. Sometimes it is hard to talk about those things I like. I can not say that I have many interests. I just lead rather simple life and of course I like having my free time and enjoying it. I am very fond of sport. I always go to the gym. And actually I have been involved into sport since childhood. Also I enjoy traveling a lot. But mostly I spend time with my family, my friends. And we like to do just usual activities people do, talk, walk, sit in the café and so on.
I want to find a good gentleman who has strong hands and a kind soul. The ideal partner for me is a confident man who knows what he wants in his life. Mutual care and kindness is very important in relationship same as love. The ability to listen to each other and look for compromises is basis for nice relationship. I want to be with a man with whom I will be able the same open as I am with myself. Telling each other the most inner desires, dreams and thoughts.
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