1106, Budapest, Gyakorlo street 4/D 3.

Anastasia from Kharkov | 23 y.o., Сині Eyes, Блонд Hair, Один

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Колір очей


Колір волосся


Сімейний стан

30 - 75

Шукаю вік


Знак зодіаку

I can’t speak for all the girls here, but I think I'm the simplest and most ordinary girl :) I was lucky because from childhood I grew up in a family in which there was warmth and care, so ...


Колір очей


Колір волосся

50 kg 110 lbs


5'7'' (170 cm)


не встановлено

Кількість дітей







З труднощами



Сімейний стан

Друга школа




Друга школа

I can’t speak for all the girls here, but I think I'm the simplest and most ordinary girl :) I was lucky because from childhood I grew up in a family in which there was warmth and care, so I grew up faithful and honest. I always tell the truth, no matter how offensive she is. And I am always ready to take criticism in my favor. With me you will never be bored :) My dream is to see the whole world, from childhood I dream of traveling to most beautiful countries. I also love animals very much.
For me, the age of my partner is not important, on the contrary, I would like a man who is older for himself, who could give me advice and help me. In my man, I want to find, first of all, a support, so that I can trust him and my secrets. I am very easy to communicate, and I would like my man to be as easy to communicate. I don’t care about the financial component of a man; it matters to me what kind of person you will be with me.
For me, the age of my partner is not important, on the contrary, I would like a man who is older for himself, who could give me advice and help me. In my man, I want to find, first of all, a support, so that I can trust him and my secrets. I am very easy to communicate, and I would like my man to be as easy to communicate. I don’t care about the financial component of a man; it matters to me what kind of person you will be with me.
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