1106, Budapest, Gyakorlo street 4/D 3.

Ilona from Vinnitsa | 25 y.o., Зелені Eyes, Світло-коричневі Hair, Ніколи не був(ла) одружений(а)

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Колір очей


Колір волосся

Ніколи не був(ла) одружений(а)

Сімейний стан

27 - 67

Шукаю вік


Знак зодіаку

I intelligent, sensitive and kind girl. Sometimes I like to be a little lazy, but I think that every lady has a right for it)) I think that I am determined person, If I set a goal, I will m...


Колір очей


Колір волосся

55 kg 121 lbs


5'7'' (170 cm)


не встановлено

Кількість дітей









Ніколи не був(ла) одружений(а)

Сімейний стан






I intelligent, sensitive and kind girl. Sometimes I like to be a little lazy, but I think that every lady has a right for it)) I think that I am determined person, If I set a goal, I will make my best to achieve the right result. Good sense of humor is also the feature of the character. I think that people should be able to laugh at themselves, or the life will be very boring. Sometimes, I like to spend time alone, and have a rest, think about something, dream about something)))I think dreams come true, so I like to imagine how it all will be one day))I am a creative lady))) I am sincere and honest - there is nothing to hide, I love smiling and laughing - so if you will manage to make me smile - it will be great - you will make huge step in our relationships! I can be both - kind and tender and strict and serious.
I have many hobbies, one of them is photography. I like to spend an active vacation, go to the cinema, theater, meet friends. I like gardening, camping, walking in the woods, picking mushrooms, cooking delicious food, listening to pleasant music, drinking hot tea by the fireplace.
I want to find my beloved person on this site. I think that my future beloved is my reason for being here)) He is strong, caring, interesting, generous))) He should make his lady feel comfortable and safe.I think it is important for a girl to have a man by her side, who is her shoulder to rely on))) The real gentleman has good manners and adult behavior.I would like my man has good sense of humor and passion. And of course the most important for me is that my man should love children, and be a good father)))
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