1106, Budapest, Gyakorlo street 4/D 3.

Elena from Kyiv | 29 y.o., Зелені Eyes, Світло-коричневі Hair, Ніколи не був(ла) одружений(а)

  • Основна інформація
  • Додаткові дані
  • Про мене
  • Хобі
  • Про партнера




Колір очей


Колір волосся

Ніколи не був(ла) одружений(а)

Сімейний стан

30 - 70

Шукаю вік


Знак зодіаку

I am a very light and open Ukrainian girl. I have a good heart, I always help people. I like to laugh and talk a lot, I am cheerful and I love life. I am passionate and temperamental by ...


Колір очей


Колір волосся

50 kg 110 lbs


5'7'' (170 cm)


не встановлено

Кількість дітей

не встановлено








Ніколи не був(ла) одружений(а)

Сімейний стан

Старша школа




Старша школа

I am a very light and open Ukrainian girl. I have a good heart, I always help people. I like to laugh and talk a lot, I am cheerful and I love life. I am passionate and temperamental by nature. I can be different, submissive and disobedient, tender, passionate, unpredictable. My behavior depends on my mood. What the man in me wakes up is what he gets. I have a strong character, I am brave and purposeful, I do not like to lose, I must always be ahead. Family values ​​are important to me, I was brought up in a good and decent family. My family is an example for me, my parents have been together for many years, so I want it as well. That's why I'm here on this site.
I work as a model and have little free time. But when it is there I draw, listen to music, watch films. On weekends, I meet with my friends and do shopping, go to the cinema, play bowling and billiards. Sometimes I walk in the forest and pick mushrooms, do barbecue, I like to cook food on fire, it can be meat or fish. I like relaxing on the beach, sunbathing, swimming.
I'm looking for a man who will dissolve in me. Who will love me and compliment me. I want to feel like a real woman next to him. Love him, appreciate him, trust him. Fulfill your desires and goals together. Always be there and achieve everything together. We must be one team, then we will succeed. I believe that I will find just such a man and we will create our own happy world. We will enjoy life and each other together.
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