1106, Budapest, Gyakorlo street 4/D 3.

Audio Calls

We recognized the importance of incorporating live communication through voice in online dating. That's why we have introduced the option to make calls on Jasmin Online Dating. Our aim is to create user-friendly features that are easy to use. When you order a call, you can be assured of speaking directly to the girl as she accepts the date and time, ensuring a 100% guarantee of conversation.

Here's how to order a call:

  1. On the girl's profile, you will find a new form specifically for ordering a call.
  2. Fill in the date and select the desired time for the call in the form.
  3. The girl will receive a message and can either accept or decline your proposition.
  4. You will receive a letter notifying you of her decision.
  5. On the scheduled date, return to her profile and click the call button.
  6. The call button will be available within 1 hour of the arranged time.

Important: Make sure you have a minimum of 75 credits in your account, as this is the limit required to access audio calls.

Why should you call a girl? Texting or even video chatting may not always suffice. There are times when you need to convey a few words quickly or simply hear her voice. This led us to introduce this popular and already utilized function on Love-Temptation.

As for the cost, please note that since we utilize a powerful server for video chats and voice calls, we cannot offer free calls or chats. The price for a 5-minute chat is 75 credits. Comparatively, making a traditional telephone call to Ukraine would incur significantly higher costs.

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